An Emerging Concept in Management Information System

What is Central MIS ?

The Central-MIS tool provides a visual interface providing at-a-glance views into key measures, by focusing on limited, key indicators at a glance for decision makers to review, analyse and act on the identified problem.

Reports and monitoring formats contain data / information for reading and viewing purposes whereas the visual interface of the MIS tool provides at-a-glance view into key areas and hence DRIVES ACTION.

  • Analysing Problem
  • Prioritising Indicators
  • Data Mapping
  • GIS Integration
  • Designing Dashboard
  • Decision Making
  • Decision Support System
  • Marketing Reserch System
  • Marketing Information System
  • Business Intelligence System
  • Internal Reporting System
  • Report Automation
  • Operational Management

Easy access – login based

Separate logins for Units to view and download data

Time Saved

A lot of time is saved for the senior Managers. They allot much lesser time to interpret performance of units and understand the areas that they need to focus.

Competitive Spirit

The ranking process generates a competitive spirit among each units. Moreover, they are able to identify the areas of improvement and want to work positively towards improving their position by the next month / quarter.

Varied Representation of Data

The tool provides great visual displays in terms of maps, graphs and charts enabling quick interpretation and analysis. Moreover, the time-trend analysis helps to compare data by months, and past data for easy reference.

Report Generation

Monthly Reports can be generated through the software which can be downloaded.

An Evolving Tool

It has the opportunity to revise and refine indicators as and when required, the weight of the indicator can be decreased or the indicator itself can be modified, to increase the quality of the service delivery, as required.

Hand-holding Support

Training of project staff and data entry operators is crucial to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. On-going help is provided to clarify doubts and bottlenecks.

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